RemovedMar 31Liked by Jeff Stein
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What a terrific comment. Thank you!

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Please write this up fully.

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Mar 30Liked by Jeff Stein

Thanks for your substack. You provide a cornucopia of information. The Psyops Army Ad even though I'm over 70, I can see it working, and hopefully smart youth join (and make careers off it).

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Thanks, Chuck.

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Mar 30Liked by Jeff Stein, Seth Hettena

Love the news. Please keep it up.

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Thanks, Carl. SpyWeek columnist Seth Hetenna has been a great addition to our growing arsenal of contributing writers and editors.

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If you are going to take pot shots at future Trump administration appointees and strong men why be radio silent on those board seats for the children of Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry and of course Hunter Biden? Not worth noting? Would also also like to see work on those NGOs that are "helping people" get to the U.S. Southern border and their network of funding.

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Thanks for reading.

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Mar 31Liked by Jeff Stein

My own comment is not a pot shot. I am a witness to Paul Manafort impersonating a USG envoy to protect his illegal mining interests. I have evidence of Manafort's continued association with Jean-Yves Ollivier, who is now, as has been widely reported in France with documentary evidence a facilitator for illegal investments by western companies, notabl;y French in Russia (see Le Point, "Ces Français qui défendent Moscou" about ollivier which also mentions Manafort (https://www.lepoint.fr/monde/ces-francais-qui-defendent-moscou-11-04-2023-2515770_24.php#11). Note that the extradition of Manafort will eventually be requested by French justice for Manafort's participation (with his associate Ziad Takieddine) in the illegal financing of former French president Nicolas Sarkozy 2007 presidential campaign by Moammar Gaddafi (the evidence comes from former Libyan intel chief Abdullah Senoussi who was arrested in Mauritania with a forged passport, and the evidence, which mentions Manafort, was transmitted by the International Criminal Court to the French judiciary in 2012). Sarkozy is now Russia's political man in France following Marine and J-M Le Pen's robbing Putin blind (they bought themselves a plush villa near Paris with the money Putin had given them to finance their political campaigns). Sarkozy is now under multiple indictments, Manafort is a crook, period, with links to Russian intelligence, as I am prepared to testify in a court of law. I posted facsimiles of some of the incriminating documents in the IRPD group on LinkedIn (it is not difficult to guess where I got them from): they implicate Manafort, Ollivier, Russian agent Baretzky, Senoussi and Takieddine. Now if you want to deny what has been proven judicially, I suggest you use RT or Sputnik rather than Spy Talk.

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I’d very much appreciate it if you could email me an English language version of that Le Point piece, Giles. I don’t have (an expensive) subscription.

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Not today (it's 1;55 am here), but I'll do my best to translate it for you tomorrow).

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Not this Monday either as my copy is on a computer that is being repaired, and I could not buy a new copy of the article as today is a holiday here. So tomorrow Tuesday.

By the way did tou read this: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/02/magazine/russiagate-paul-manafort-ukraine-war.html

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Le Point told me that all copies of the Le Point issue on Ollivier, Russia, etc were purchased by a single buyer (echoes of he Philadelphia Inquirer) and that the digital copy was “damaged”, All that remains is the quotes I gave and a photo of the cover page with J-Yves Ollivier. The good news is that Macron changed the director of the DGSE to Nicolas Lerner, former DGSI director and not a pro-Russian. I hope he will go after Ollivier.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

Chalk and cheese. On the one hand you have a disbarred lawyer who works with identified Russian intelligence assets, who worked for the corrupt pro-Russian President of Ukraine, who was convicted by jury trial in federal court of witness tampering, bank fraud, tax fraud, and conspiracy to defraud the United States, and whom the SIC concluded was a counterintelligence threat to the US. All of that is on the record. No upright American should have anything to do with this guy.

On the other hand, as that derisory investigation of Hunter Biden has shown, there is…. nothing. Oh, I almost forgot, except a confirmed Russian intelligence agent as the source of the lies about Biden.

If you want to compare like-with-like, compare the people you mention with the activities of Trump’s children and Jared Kushner. Now that would be interesting.

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Manafort is a crook. Cant say it often enough

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Hello Giles:

I will make no attempt to deny what you have written.

1. France has a history of pursuing political adversaries through the courts.

2. Regrettably, any and all political parties everywhere take dirty money (Democrats in the U.S. have always worked with organized crime not to mention IMBD).

3. Nobody does business in Russia - or Ukraine - without kissing the ring(s) of intelligence and organized crime. Ditto large real estate.

4. I am not suggesting Manafort or anybody has a clean shirt.

5. The reason my comment is not a pot shot as you implied is because Trump is being pursued for things others commit - and know about - by the paid operatives of those others.

The U.S. Republic depends upon an even handed approach to the Law. Unfortunately, it is failing because the corrupt globalists have hijacked much of our "Justice" system.



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Regrettably, I seem to have signed up for a DNC echo chamber.

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Also last week, a retired former Czech counterintelligence officer that I know of old confirmed to me that former Donald Trump wife Ivana was reporting to Russian intelligence every move by the then future US president.

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