Not a new story, Even Lee Oswald was in the Russian embassy. And I expect it goes back to WWII and before. Wikipedia writes: "Ramón Mercader (Jaime Ramón Mercader del Río, 7 February 1913 – 18 October 1978), was a Spanish Communist and NKVD secret agent who assassinated the revolutionary Leon Trotsky in Mexico City, in August 1940."

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The story notes: "It is no secret that Russia has historically used its diplomats for spying on the United States and that the Russian embassy, an imposing, walled complex in the heart of Mexico City, with large satellite dishes on the roof, has a decades-old reputation for being an espionage safe haven..."

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An interesting update. It makes me wonder why we aren't doing more to deal with the problem even if its only increasing the number of people assigned to Mexico.

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CIA no doubt welcomes the influx of Russians as targets of opportunity.

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Well that is IF the CIA knows what they are doing and can act

accordingly. Howard Walther Santa Barbara California

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Howard Walther New to SPYTALK,

Very interesting article on the Mexican Embassy which as some here pointed out is not knew and much like the Russian Consulates in San Fran and Seattle but Mexico will never close Russians Embassy in Mexico. It is well known the Russian Embassy in Mexico is the meeting place for Russian Agents and thier Illegals program for North and South America. Does anyone have a real time story on Russian Mexico Embassy or any insight to share. As stated thier North American Agents can go down to Cancun for "A Vacation" and get Debriefed which is most likely happening yearly.

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