Dec 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Stein, Jonathan Broder

The US is looking for kapos to guard Gaza. I don’t think the Palestinian Authority wants that job. In any case “Palestinian Authority “ is an oxymoron. The PA has no authority. Probably less than the last emperor of China Henry PuYi did under Japanese occupation.

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Sad but true, Robert. And your description of the Palestinian Authority as an oxymoron is spot on. Thanks for your insights.

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Stein, Jonathan Broder

The government of Israel created this mess, but I see no signs that it is willing to change or even admit that it is responsible.

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Absolutely, Carl. Sad it is.

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Stein, Jonathan Broder

Chiang Kai-shek and his Chinese nationalist army had powerful allies in the U.S. Men like Henry Luce had great influence over U.S. government policy toward Chiang, Taiwan and Communist China, and the CIA, then as now, acted in accordance with that policy, misbegotten as it was, and used the assets available to it. The assets included Chinese who had left behind extended families when they fled the Mainland for Taiwan. It didn't take the Chicoms, as we used to call them, long to exploit these family relationships. Virtually every CIA operation designed to infiltrate agents into China was compromised from the start. Two minor corrections. The aircraft involved was a C-47, and it was John Downey, not Jack Downey, who was on board. Jack had a China connection, though. He was chief of station in Beijing at a later time,

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Thanks for your typically well informed comments, Colin. The correction from Jack to John has been made.

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The term "Palestinian Authority" is an oxymoron. The PA has no authority and is not seen as legitimate by the vast majority of the Palestinian population. What Israel wants are kapos to guard the population in Gaza. These kapos will have no more ability to control the destiny of Gaza's inhabitants than the prisoner guards did in Germany during the war.

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