Thanks, Jeff. I try to work to the premise that what can go wrong, will go wrong, so I'm off to track down a copy of Barbara Tuchman's book right now.

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Very happy that I introduced you to the book. You won’t be sorry.

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WWII again? So, it seems. But we ought to learn the lessons of WWII. I was at Holabird in 1965 and learned interrogation techniques from WWII vets (especially from the Pacific) and would never have done our mistakes in the Middle East. An interrogation should be a discussion about the future, not enhanced nonsense. And "Double Cross" operations in Britian lead to the best counterintelligence I have seen in history. We ought to do more of that. Perhaps WWII gave us the notion that we did not have to go for unconditional surrender in every battle. There were fights we could leave and still survive. After Vietnam battles, we did win the peace.

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