Jan 13·edited Jan 13

More and more it feels as if the reluctance of government agencies to investigate right wing criminality is currently one of the most under-reported stories around. For example, there's the Secret Service destroying phone records from Jan 6. Elements of the FBI have slow-walked or outright blocked investigations (for example forcing Postal Office inspectors to step in to arrest Bannon). The IRS leapt into action against Hunter Biden but not against Trump, despite all the tax fraud revealed in his court cases. Plus there is this collective blind spot when it comes to stochastic terrorism. And there is so much more.

One might say this is the true Deep State at work. Whoops, let me correct that: the true Deep State NOT at work.

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As the wizard said, "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."

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Everyone thinks they are expert on everything -- medicine, education, books, etc. Having grown up in a segregated/Jim Crow south, I consider myself an expert on white supremacy. It never went away, just went underground. Now it has risen its ugly head again. Many of them are so-called evangelicals. I just wish they would follow the teachings of Jesus, but they won't. They are haters and bullies. We need more love and understanding, but MAGA appears to appeal to our worst instincts. I love my country and our democracy, but I feel both are in mortal danger. God help us.

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and unfortunately it won't get any better for at least another 5 years. Come next Nov, we'll either have an angry old white man, or an angrier older white man

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