Oh, but there was violence around the midterms...did you miss it? I saw some people at a Hochul event manhandle and choke a lady who was peacefully protesting. I saw a left wing psycho take Lee Zeldin's microphone away and try to stab him. Curious how the only violence you lefties can focus on is from the "MAGA Republicans." Which, as you pointed out, didn't happen. I originally signed up for this Spy Talk substack thinking it would have interesting and OBJECTIVE information about espionage and national security. Had no idea it was just another left wing, DNC propaganda machine. Good job anti-Trump warriors. I hope you get the country you deserve.

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Not enough violence for you? Sorry that Steve Bannon’s antifa fantasy let you down.

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022Author

I take your point, Mark (although I'd be a lot more open to your argument without the personal insults). But this piece was about the threat of *mob* violence fanned or led by armed Trump-oriented anti-government groups and militias (not individual acts), the likes of which we've seen in the past in Richmond, VA, Lansing, MI, Madison, WI, Maricopa County, AZ and of course the Jan. 6 assault on the US Capitol that was egged on by the president. We've also written about the George Floyd protests that got out of hand (which Trump and his head of DHS intelligence inaccurately blamed on "antifa"). There has been no organized leftwing violence of tne kind we've seen repeatedly from pro-Trump forces. Of course, all elections-oriented violence or intimidation, whether by a group or individual, is outrageous and should be denounced.

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