If the IRGC runs Iran, how can Iran not be an existential threat to Israel? I doubt @SecBlinken or @CIA Director disagree. The question is:Is #Iran an existential threat to #America ?

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My understanding is that the CIA does not view Iran as an existential threat to the United States. Israel, however, views a nuclear-armed Iran as an existential threat and therefore is determined never to allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon.

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Gaslighting diplomacy, a new one on me. Iran launches, or delivers nuclear material, over Israel, protected by a joint American-Israeli missile defense, and irradiating how many Israelis, and that is not casus belli for the CIA? How many Americans would die in such an attack? Easily, more than the number of Americans who died on 9-11.

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And then there is the ghost of USS Liberty.

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Another thought provoking article from SpyTalk. Since I only worked directly with Israel during my time at the Pentagon, my understanding of the degree of connection between MOSSAD and US intelligence is nil. I do, however, remember a hotly debated issue in the policy community on whether to provide Israel with some information we had collected. The augment centered around the fear that Israel would act on the intelligence if it was provided. Although my recollection is a bit fuzzy, I think we did eventually provide the information, and Israel did indeed take action against what it considered a threat. I suspect that David Enzel follows matters in the Middle East far more closely than I do. For someone who focuses mostly on East Asia your piece was filled with news. For that I am grateful.

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Thank you, Carl. Much appreciated.

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