I believe Ellsberg would have gone to jail for some time if the Nixon guys had not burglarized the surgery of his psychiatrist, Dr Fielding. Watch on YouTube Howard Hunt claiming long after the facts that breaking in Dr Fielding's office was 'legal" (sorry my Android TV Box does not display urls)/

The case of the NY Times and the Wapo were different as they did not steal classified US government documents nor incite Ellsberg to do so, as for instance Julian Assange did wit Sgt Manning.

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Wonderful story. I lived with John's sister Peggy back then in NY. Great family all the way around.

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Jun 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Stein

GREAT story Jeff. And it was a great book - it doesn't get old.

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One great story!

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Great story and your book is also great. I remember Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers, I never got drafted, I had turned 18 in 1973. I felt the same about the Manning/Snowden/Assange stuff.

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Well written story. I like your style in writîng👍

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Jun 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Stein

Jeff, Daniel Ellsberg changed my life too. My professional life. I was a newly graduated psychiatrist, serving in the United States Air Force as my first post-training professional experience. During my Air Force service, the news came out that Ellsberg’s psychiatrist’s office was ransacked by the notorious Plumbers in an effort to discover damaging information about Ellsberg in order to discredit him. I resolved that I would never let that happen to any of my patients. From then on, I committed most details of my sessions with patients to my memory, not to paper. When I wrote anything down, it was in my own private coded language and further obscured by my terrible physician’s handwriting. This was my method of preventing an Ellsberg replay. I kept up this protective methodology for the rest of my career. No one can read my notes, such as they are. So however indirectly, Ellsberg also changed my life.

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Nice story, David. Thanks.

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