Jul 30, 2021Liked by Jeff Stein

I've heard Mr. German speak in the past...it's incredibly frustrating to witness the willful negligence of the FBI on this matter. It's impossible not to place a portion of the blame for the horrors of 1/6 on the lackluster efforts of the FBI. Of course, we are locked in a seemingly endless vicious cycle...the FBI won't act without a Congressional mandate, and Congress won't act because controlling white supremacy isn't a priority.

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Horrors of 1/6? The only person killed was a protestor unarmed. The cop who died did so a day later...not from being attacked as reported. The other 4 who died were all protestors.

How about the "horrors" of the BLM/ANTIFA riots across the United States for the last two years that have received zero attention and most released after being arrested?


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It saddens me to read comments like yours, Mr. Miller, which dismiss the massive trove of video and audio evidence—most of it recorded by the rioters themselves—and the moving testimony of valiant Capitol Police officers. Your classic “whataboutism,” a propaganda technique perfected by Stalin, polished by Putin and deployed by Trump and his supporters with the help of Moscow, just seeks to change the subject.

Sad. There’s obviously absolutely nothing that can change your perspective.

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14,000 people arrested and 25 dead just from the Geo Floyd protests by 20 Nov 2020. It's not changing the subject - it is trying to get some light on it to be a subject at all. Where's the outrage for a federal courthouse being burned? Where's the outrage for the police officers attacked there? I understand you're a Trump-hater still trying to connect a dot back to Russia. You are media. That lie has been trotted out since 2016 and every attempt has failed. Also, good try attacking me by painting me as a "classic" propagandist and diving back to the Trump line. Indeed, you guys will never learn. Enjoying your fuel prices? LMAO

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I agree with Frank 100%. The media defined a narrative 5 years ago and is still looking for a way to support any way they can. Who exactly has been charged with sedition, murder, treason, on 1/6. No One! They are being held on weak charges at best and any other time would have been let out on bail (or no bail more recently).

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Well said.

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