Great call, Jim

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I've just been to Sicily. When I heard of this assassination, it immediately made me think of the 1992 killing by Sicilian Mafia of anti-Mafia Italian prosecutor Giovanni Falcone. Falcone and his wife had just returned from Rome to Palermo, and were obliterated by a remotely-operated plastic bomb under their car on Highway A29 that connects the airport and downtown Palermo. The incident prompted a rise of anti-mafia sentiment in Sicily. Just saying... not suggesting anything.

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One parallel between the bombings in Italy and Russia is that both were carried out by local, internal mafias.

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If Ukraine was going to plan such a risky murder plot in order to conduct an assassination as close to Putin as someone as Dugin is, given the scale of horror by the atrocities Putin has visited upon Ukraine, a Ukrainian assassin in my opinion wouldn’t waste a well planned assassination attempt on someone whom Putin couldn’t care less about whether they live or die. If Ukraine was behind such a bombing, it wouldn’t have been targeted at Dugin’s daughter. Rather, it would have been one of Putin’s daughters who would have been killed if Ukraine was behind such a targeted assassination. Just as there is no negotiating between Ukraine and Russia, only killing, there is no point for Ukraine to send a message to Putin with a carbomb. A Ukrainian assassin would have been interested in using a carbomb on Russian territory only as a practical and effective killing device targeted at a specific person rather than as some kind of ambivalent rhetorical messaging device in an “either-or” targeted operation. Perhaps if Dugin’s daughter had been killed with poison it would have been too obviously close to Putin’s own assassination signature. Perhaps Putin was behind the bombing as a way of sending Dugin a message to back off with his rhetoric which is not only criticizing Putin for not being aggressive enough in Ukraine but also gaining Dugin a growing audience in mainstream Russian society for his political and philosophical views. Putin is a terrible historian and an even worse philosopher, however, Dugin, although fantastically and mystically proto-fascist and quite the skewed historian himself, actually does have a grain of talent for philosophizing about present and future possibilities. Thus, perhaps Dugin stole some of the light away from Putin’s support base and potentially poses a threat to Putin’s authority and capability to secure a majority support with which to rule and reign over Russia. And maybe Putin saw Dugin as a potential rival to his power. Just speculating on how Putin himself could be a suspect in the car-bomb murder of Dugin’s daughter.

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