Hey there, SpyTalkers and SpyTalk-curious! We’ve had a great 2024—so great that I’m moved to offer this 24-hour, half-off—forever!— deal for new subscribers to ring in 2025. It ends at 12:01 am on Jan. 2.
By the looks of it, we can be sure of only one thing as 2025 opens: Chaos, as a whole new raft of … let’s say, unusual … nominees for top roosts in the new administration’s national security team come under Senate scrutiny en route to their hoped-for offices in Langley, Va., Ft. Meade, Md., the Pentagon and 935 Pennsylvania Avenue NW (FBI headquarters).
Dismantling the legendary “Deep State” seems to be a priority. You’ll want to follow our takes on these would-be arsonists and their threatened burn-down-the-house policies during their journeys around the capital. So, hey, those of you who’ve not yet taken the paid-subscriber plunge, do yourself a favor and take advantage of this one-of-a-kind invitation to be part of the growing SpyTalk community of veteran journalists, sharp-eyed readers and well informed commentators.
You won’t be sorry (and if you are I’lll send your money back). Meantime, act now, and I thank you in advance. Just click here.
Happy 2025!
I attempted to join the half off forever but was ejected/rejected because 'you already have a subscription' I am pretty sure it is not a half off forever subscription. Do you intend to exclude current one time subscribers from your one time half off deal?
Please tell me it is not so. Robin Smith minusmass@protonmail.com
For someone who makes a living at providing articulate writing, your half-off forever deal is, at best, ambiguous. The offer is addressed to "SpyTalkers and SpyTalk-curious!", and I take "SpyTalkers" to mean current subscribers. Where I would have been happy to continue my support at the full price level, you have sown discord. Unfortunately I thought that it simply meant one had to cancel and then renew, so now I have a new charge for a subscription renewed at full price, early. Well, so much for naivite and the pain of education.